Find a fulfilling career that does good
This free guide is based on five years of research alongside academics at Oxford.
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Часть 1: Из чего состоит «работа мечты»?
Ответ: Исследовани показывают, что для приносящей удовлетворения работы вы должны делать что-то, в чём вы хороши, что делает мир лучше. Не стремитесь к высооплачиваемой или лёгкой работе и не ожидайте, что обнаружите своё увлечение в мгновение ока.
Выясните шесть ключевых элементов приносящей удовольствие работы:
Часть 2:Насколько один человек может улучшить мир?
Ответ: Многие распространённые способы делать добро, вроде становления врачом, оказывают меньше положительного влияния, чем можно сперва подумать. Другие, менее привычные варианты, позволили некоторым людям добиться необычайного эффекта.
Выясните, поучему ваш выбор профессионального пути действительно имеет значение для мира:
Часть 3:Можно ли изменить мир, не меняя работу?
Answer: With the right approach, you can make a major difference to the lives of others without changing job, or making a major sacrifice. You can do this by giving 10% of your income to the world’s poorest people, promoting important causes, or assisting others in having an impact.
Learn about three ways to make a difference in any job:
Part 4:Where should you focus to have the most impact?
Answer: To maximise your impact, work on areas (1) that are large in scale, (2) that others neglect, and (3) where it’s possible to make progress. Many people fail to compare the scale of different problems, work on the same problems as everyone else, and support programmes with no evidence of impact.
Learn how to compare global problems:
Part 5:What’s the biggest and most urgent problem in the world?
Answer: Most people in rich countries who aim to do good work on health, poverty and education in their home country. But health in poor countries is a bigger, more solvable problem, and only receives 4% of charitable donations. Others work on climate change, but pandemics pose a similar threat, and are over ten times more neglected.
Find out what we’ve learned about the world’s most urgent problems:
You can also use our problem tool to get personalised recommendations. It only takes 5 minutes:
If you’re already interested in a specific area, see all our problem profiles.
Part 6: Which jobs help people the most?
Answer: When we think of jobs that help people, medicine, teaching and charity work are what first come to mind. But these are not always the highest-impact options. To help the most people: (1) focus on the most pressing problems; (2) choose the best method for working on the problem, considering research, advocacy and donating to charity, as well as direct work; and (3) do something with excellent personal fit and job satisfaction.
Learn about the four main types of high-impact career:
If you’re already interested in a specific area, see all our career reviews.
Part 7: Which jobs put you in the best position for the future?
Answer: Especially early in your career, take options that will give you flexible career capital – skills, connections and credentials that will be useful in many different jobs. Examples include mathematical graduate studies, consulting, and learning to program. Be careful with humanities PhDs, charity jobs and vocational qualifications.
Get a list of ways to put yourself in a better position:
Part 8: What’s the right career for you?
Answer: Don’t expect to figure out what you’re best at right away. Instead, go investigate: speak to people to learn more, and try out your best options. Then, to avoid common decision-making mistakes, use a systematic process to make your final decision.
Learn how to narrow down your options:
Part 9:How can you be more successful in your current job?
Answer: There’s a lot that anyone can do to be more productive, impactful and happy in any career. Some of it is common sense, but people often don’t take simple steps such as prioritising their mental health, learning how to learn, investing in their productivity, figuring out how to think better, and otherwise improving the way they work.
See 15 evidence-based ways to be more successful:
Part 10: How should you plan your career?
Answer: Rather than try to pinpoint the single best option, accept that your plan is likely to change. Write out a flexible road map, which includes nearby alternative options and a backup if things don’t work out as expected.
Learn how to make a flexible A/B/Z career plan:
Part 11: What’s the best way to get a job?
Answer: Don’t just send out your CV in response to job listings. Get leads through your connections, and prove that you can do the work by actually doing some. When you get an offer, negotiate.
See our summary of all the best advice on how to get the job you want:
Part 12:What’s the best way to gain connections?
Answer: Join a community of people working in the same area as you. You’ll get hundreds of connections at once. We’ve seen hundreds of people become far more motivated, altruistic and successful by getting involved in our community of effective altruists.
Learn about how our community can help and why to get involved:
The end:A cheery final note – imagining your deathbed
We sum up the whole guide in one minute.
The tool:Work out what to do with your career
This tool helps you apply all the ideas, and make your plan. Once you’ve done this, you’ve mastered the guide:
What’s next:Become an expert
We have lots more to read: an advanced career guide, profiles of specific areas, and a list of further reading. We admire your stamina!
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Ask our community in our LinkedIn group. It’s also a great way to find people who can help you take action on your plans. It has over 5,000 members covering most career paths.